Three Principles of Slide Design to Revolutionize Your Presentations
Before The Workshop
Please come to the workshop with some example slides you will be using, preferably in an upcoming presentation opportunity. If you are not using slides in the near future, feel free to use past slides. You will be using these slides to work on content and design in your workshop.
For 1:1 Coaching
Refer to the below resources at your own pace. Our recommendation is to familiarize yourself with as much of our methodology as possible to maximize the time you have with your coach.
Get to know more about your upcoming Workshop or 1:1 Coaching
Workshop Overview
1:1 Coaching Overview
STEP 1: Download BEFORE Your Workshop
Visual Storytelling & Slide Design Workbook
Click on the link below to download this workbook. You can print it or view it electronically. Please don’t miss this critical step as you will be using it in the upcoming workshop.
Visual Storytelling Exercise #1
STEP 2: Peruse Additional Insightful Resources
Slide & Visual Design Guide
This Guide provide tips to create visually appealing slides.
View The Video PLaylist
(Check out our YouTube channel for more world-class advice across even more topics.)
Slide Design Best Practices
Does your audience want you to have a slide deck? Not all do! Will it boost your credibility, audience engagement, and make it memorable? Absolutely. Keep it simple, don’t use a slide deck as a substitute for notes and don’t repeat out loud words that are on the slide. Want to go deeper into visual storytelling and slide design practices? Check out this video:
PowerPoint Best Practices: How to Create and Design Impressive Slide Decks